Pictures from the Olympic Peninsula, August 2007

All photos and text copyright &copy 2007 by Shayna Henckel. Website created using Disclaimer: this site was created for personal use and entertainment purposes only and is not affiliated with Stephenie Meyer or Little, Brown and Company.


Hey, welcome to my beautiful site, a testament to my AMAZING trip to the Olympic Peninsula. Yeah, we basically planned our trip around Twilight. My brother wasn't too happy about it, but I was, and you should be too, cuz now you get to see all the pretty pictures! Yay! (Not to mention I bought about $40 worth of postcards... not exaggerating. I'll try to scan some in, as well as the various receipts, articles and other stuff I collected.) I'm trying to convince my parents to take me to Volterra next summer, but it doesn't look good. Ah well... I can't have all the fun.

So take a look and tell me what you think... and if you like it, please spread the word. Enjoy! (navigation at top of page)


***Warning: site may contain spoilers for Twilight, New Moon, and/or Eclipse.

Comments, questions, suggestions, feedback??


